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Merging clips to a new clip


To merge multiple clips to one new clip select all the clips you want to merge and then from the File menu choose Merge Clips/To New Clip.  A new clip is created in the current category which will contain all the data from the clips selected.  The original clips are left intact.



Merging clips to a file


To merge multiple clips to a file select all the clips you want to merge and then from the File menu choose Merge Clips/To File.  You can then enter a file name and choose whether to save as a rich text file or plain text file.  The file that is created will contain all the clips that were selected.



Exporting category details


You can export the data currently showing in the category detail list to a file.  Do this by choosing 'Export Category List' from the File menu.  You can then enter a file name, and select one of the following file types :


Text File

Each row in the text file relates to one cell in the list.  Each row has three parts separated by commas.  The first part is the column number, the second is the row number and the third is the data item.  The top of the file contains header information which defines the number of columns and rows and the widths of each column.


CSV File

A tab delimitered file which can be imported into most spreadsheet or database applications.  Note that a tab is used as the delimiter as a tab is less likely to be present in the clip name than a comma.



An HTML file is created with a formatted table containing the data.